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WA Fire & Safety

BAL Assessment WA

BAL Assessment (Bushfire Attack Level Assessment)

What is a BAL Assessment?

A Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessment is an evaluation of a property's threat from bushfire. It determines the necessary risk management measures and construction standards required for a property.

In Western Australia (WA), a BAL Assessment is necessary for anyone building a new home or altering an existing structure in a bushfire-prone area, however, they can be requested for home business, associated structures that are within 6m of a dwelling or change of use. The assessment is performed by a qualified professional who will visit the site to assess the vegetation and fuel load. The consultant will then provide a BAL Report that includes the site plan, imagery and the designated BAL Rating.

BAL ratings range from BAL-Low to BAL-Flame Zone. The one that is determined for your proposed structure(s) will influence the building materials you can use, the construction methods you employ and the vegetation management requirements for your property. A higher BAL may be determined on the initial site visit, and mitigation measures, including an Asset Protection Zone (APZ) may be proposed to lower the BAL-Rating.

For instance, a BAL-12.5 rating may only require minimal ember protection measures, while a BAL-Flame Zone rating would initiate bushfire mitigation measures including an Asset Protection Zone (APZ).

How Do You Conduct BAL Assessments in WA?

The BAL Assessors cannot perform their job without going to the site, if you require a Bushfire Attack Level Report to submit to your local Shire or council, you will need a BPAD Accredited Level 1 Practitioner to perform the site assessment, it is recommended to have a BPAD Level 2 Planning Practitioner in all cases.

The BAL Assessor will be required to classify the vegetation in accordance with Australian Standard 3959-2018 Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas on the day. If clearing or modification of the vegetation is required, we will let you know what needs to be done to achieve the desired outcome.

Is my property located in the Bushfire Prone Area?

The easy way to check without asking a Bushfire Consultant is to have a look at Department of Fire & Emergency Services Bushfire Prone Map

If your property is inside the bushfire-prone area or the red part is inside the property's boundary where the proposed structure will be located, then you will need to comply with the new bushfire planning reforms.

The level of threat also determines different requirements, and this can also change with your local Shire & Council. WA Fire & Safety tailors their BAL Reports to suit the requirements of your local government area and is endorsed by many LGA's including Mundaring, Armadale and Kalamunda.

Confirming the documents required with your council or LGA before getting a Bushfire Consultant to conduct the BAL Assessment in WA is recommended. However, the information provided can vary from who you talk to, Check with us as well, sometimes, we solve the issue over a phone call to the LGA at no cost.

What is a BAL Report?

A BAL Report is a document provided upon completing your BAL Assessment. Information contained herein includes:

  • Your site plan, showing setbacks, dimensions and distances.
  • Site overview and imagery
  • Vegetation distances, imagery and justifications
  • Determined BAL Level (Bushfire Attack Level) and further information

What is a BAL Certificate?

This certificate is required for submission for a building permit or DA approval and displays the BAL Rating for a specific structure or development.

What is a Bushfire Management Statement? (BMS)

A Bushfire Management Statement (BMS) is a single-page A3 document that covers the Bushfire Protection Criteria from the bushfire guidelines.

Sometimes, these are required from your LGA in order to place the responsibility back to the homeowner to maintain their property, adhere to the local fire break notice, bushfire mitigation measures and requirements.

Shire of Mundaring requires the majority of applications in the bushfire-prone area to provide a BMS with the BAL Report.

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Sample BAL Report
Sample BAL Report
Feel free to view our sample BAL report and contact us anytime for a free quote. View Report

Happy Customers

After seeking several other 'firies' and getting nowhere fast, I found Dwayne to be very responsive and efficient in dealing with my queries. He responded almost straight away to several questions I had following a preliminary report and the charges were reasonable. I would recommend him to anyone seeking to build or subdivide.

June Cahill

Very pleased with the work they have done, on time and professional will recommend.

Rosina La Rosa

We recently used Dwayne’s services to obtain a BAL for our property. He was able to attend in a very timely manner. We were extremely impressed with his professionalism. We received both the BAL Certificate and BAL Report within a 24 hour turnaround. The report itself was very detailed showing photos of great clarity. All of this was completed at a particularly competitive price. As such, we would highly recommend Dwayne if you require a BAL.

Glenda Reid & Len Dornbusch

Very responsive to enquiries and quick to pick up the job. Very happy with the service! I would happily recommend Dwayne

Brett Wilson

Recently got Dwayne to complete a BAL assessment for a new garage. They made it simple, quick and hassle free! Highly recommend

Mario Putrino

Simplify Bushfire Approvals — Get a BAL Assessment in WA Now

Protect your dream project from bushfires and build with confidence and have it insured with ease. Get your personalised BAL Report in Perth or Regional Western Australia with quick and stress-free approvals.

Get a free quote today on BAL Assessments as well as Bushfire Management Plans (if required). Feel free to also browse through our testimonials page to see what our previous clients are saying.

Do you need a BAL Assessment or BMP, in Perth or Regional Western Australia?

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