An accredited BPAD Level 2 Planning Practitioner issues a Bushfire Management Statement, which demonstrates your lot-specific bushfire mitigation measures to comply with the SPP3.7 State Planning Policy and any Local Government Requirements.
You will need a Bushfire Management Statement for most single lots proposing a dwelling or ancillary dwelling with a higher BAL Rating that needs reduction, especially if your lot is in a special control zone like the Shire of Mundaring or if the LGA requests one.
Although similar to a Bushfire Management Plan in content, these documents are smaller and preferred for simpler developments. They facilitate easier understanding for both the landowner and the approving authority.
A Bushfire Management Statement will prescribe the mitigation measures for your lot to achieve compliance, and can provide guidance on additional Local Government Requirements like the Shire of Mundaring example, as you can see below the requirements can change.
Our Bushfire management Statements will provide you with the exact measures you will need to have in place to provide building permit approval, and ensure that your property is compliant in perpetuity.
Click here to read more on out webpage and you will also be able to submit a quote form for an obligation free quote.