Why is it BAL-FZ?

Please read the building process information first so you can understand the steps and documentation required to allow you to build.

Most lots with any native vegetation, unmanaged grasslands and ground fuels will get a higher than acceptable BAL Rating like BAL-FZ or BAL-40. In most cases these lots will be larger than a normal residential lot, but not always the case and if its a smaller lot and the rating is UNAVOIDABLE you may be required to use a Level 3 bushfire consultant to do a Method 2 assessment or find a solution.

This is normal to get a higher rating, and from here we will reduce the risk by using the correct procedures by siting your structures correctly and establishing an area of low threat surrounding your proposed structures.

You do not need to clear or modify the vegetation before the site assessment to get a lower BAL Rating and you may be better off not to do that, why?

  1. Clearing or modifying vegetation that is subject to environmental restrictions, wetland buffers and a host of additional environmental or LGA requirements may halt your development, you may be fined or clear out too much vegetation and have to re-vegetate.

The Correct BAL Assessment Process for a lot with BAL-40 or BAL-FZ is to:

  1. Submit your Development Application (DA) including the site plan, BAL Report/Certificate(BAL-FZ/40) and if required a Bushfire Management Statement (BMS) to the Local Government Authority (LGA) for approval.
  2. The development is “Approved” and the process of the establishment of the Asset Protection Zone (APZ) is “Authorised” by the LGA and is to be completed before the issue of the building permit.
  3. APZ is to be modified in accordance with the LGA Firebreak notice and the Standards for APZ’s as per the Bushfire Management Statement (BMS). This is where the landowner physically conducts the mitigation works on the property to the distance and standard set out!!
  4. Provide a BAL Report and Certificate to the LGA after the APZ mitigation has been completed at a determined BAL-29 or less for the issue of the building permit.
  5. Start the construction process.

Above is BAL-FZ, below is how the risk has been reduced to BAL-29 for the primary dwelling. The 27m APZ (orange) area has been modified to a distance from the Class 1a Structure that achieves and is able to maintain BAL-29 forever.

The dwelling will be constructed to BAL-29, insured at that risk level and the landowners can be sure that they are 100% covered.