Category: Perth Hills

  • Retrofit for Bushfire Resilience

    Retrofit for Bushfire Resilience

    Roofs: Enhancing Protection from the Top Roofs are a key area when you retrofit for bushfire resilience. Flames and embers can easily find their way into a roof cavity, leading to your dwelling being burnt down from the inside. To prevent this, it’s crucial to limit the build-up of debris and protect the entire roof…

  • Bushfire Resilience Tips & Improvements.

    Bushfire Resilience Tips & Improvements.

    In regions prone to bushfires, resilience is not just a choice but a necessity. This article delves into basic tips and improvements to achieve better bushfire resilience so that homeowners can adopt to bolster their homes against the ravages of bushfires, incorporating long-term planning, design principles, retrofitting, and maintenance practices. Introduction to Bushfire Resilience Bushfire…

  • Build in the Shire of Mundaring

    Build in the Shire of Mundaring

    The process of building in the Shire of Mundaring, Western Australia, typically involves the following basic steps: It is important to note that the specific requirements and processes for building in the Shire of Mundaring may vary depending on the nature and scope of the proposed building works. We recommend consulting with the Shire’s planning…

  • Shire of Mundaring BAL Assessments

    Shire of Mundaring BAL Assessments

    Are you building in the Shire of Mundaring and want the differences for BAL Assessments in the area? We’ve got you covered with essential local knowledge. Mundaring usually requests a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessment as the first document. Regardless of the rating, you will likely need a Bushfire Management Statement (BMS) due to the…

  • City of Kalamunda BAL Assessments

    City of Kalamunda BAL Assessments

    Are you building in the City of Kalamunda and need a simple rundown on BAL Assessments in the area? We’ve got you covered with essential local knowledge. Has the city requested a BAL Assessment and you’re unsure what it means? A Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessment is typically the first document requested. If the rating…

  • Basic BAL Process for a Bush Block

    Basic BAL Process for a Bush Block

    The basic BAL process for a bush block involves several key steps, from initial assessment to final approval. Here’s an overview: Basic bush block BAL Assessment The initial BAL site assessment determines the potential exposure of your building to bushfire attack. A qualified bushfire assessor evaluates the site’s vegetation type, distance to vegetation, land slope,…

  • BAL Report Assessment Process

    BAL Report Assessment Process

    Understanding the BAL Report Assessment Process (level 2 Assessor) The BAL Report Assessment Process with a Site Plan: The BAL Report Assessment Process Without a Site Plan: Get us at WA Fire & Safety to provide you with expert and up to date advice and documentation for your development, Contact us today Other information available…